The project area is located between the Tekirdag coastline and the residential areas in the city. The area is currently used as a city bus station. It has a retaining wall of approximately 15 meters at the highest point due to the difference in levels on the side of the residential area (Karlik Caddesi) on which it rests. Due to this retaining wall, the area is conceived as a giant pit in the city center. Therefore, it interrupts the pedestrian access between the residential area and the coastline.
On the other hand, some vehicle roads within the urban protected area are planned to be pedestrianized in the 1/1000 scaled Implementary Development Plan. Therefore, it is assumed that the pedestrian circulation will increase between the protected area and the project site on the northwest axis. The above circumstances were considered as the base of all layout decisions.
The area has always been perceived as a pit in the city. The project aims to change that perception, using the different levels to its advantage, allowing for richness in layouts and functionality. The layout design also orientates towards the vista. Thus, commercial areas, offices, and conference hall, with a dense public use, are located on the ground floor, and more private areas are on the upper floors. Various functions are provided with independent entrances using different levels, enabling the building to be used continuously and at any time of the day. The functions are also separated by the courtyards on the ground floor and the galleries on each floor.
© 9016 Architecture 2024